Marina & The Diamonds - The Family Jewels (2010)

i've waited for this album for soooooo long, ever since i listened to seventeen on her myspace way back in '08 (or was it '07?) (listen to it, it's on the crown jewels EP) i wanted to listen to a full album from her. now here it is and while not bad, it's not exactly what i expected. songs like i am not a robot, obsessions and mowgli's road sound like the marina i love, while some others like hollywood sound a bit too produced, kind of fake imo. i think marina is more of a singer-songwriter than a popstar and the focus on this album is clearly on her popstar side. dont' get me wrong, i liked it. but not as much as i expected and maybe that's entirely my fault. you be the judge, either way it's worth a listen. this girl is pure talent.

2 Responses so far.

  1. Telmo says:

    Finally!!! I, too, waited endlessly for the full length. Does it match your expectations?

  2. jc says:

    not at all. pretty good still.

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