Jakprogresso - Demon Rum EP (2009)

JakProgresso, is a distorted word play composer from Brooklyn, N.Y. A true rap wrongdoer, who uses his disturbing and surreal logic to cause feelings of fear, anxiety, and paranoia,(the good kinds), in both rappers and fans alike. He is one of the most warped, misshapen and inventive MC/producers in the genre of indie hip hop music.

This is a six song EP. Diverse production that seems to shift between a couple of genres and styles. Solid beats. Intense rhymes and an overall apocalyptic production that is worth repeating.

RIYL: Aesop Rock, El-P, Cage


One Response so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    I want to go get some 3D glasses and check out the cover again. Good music too.

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