Major Organ and the Adding Machine - Major Organ and the Adding Machine (2001)

elephant6 super-group featuring major organ, kevin barnes, julian koster, jeff mangum, will cullen hart, eric harris and andrew reiger(do note these are all suspected contributors). this is for sure the most experimental album to have come out of the elephant 6 group, and is for sure their most interesting as well. you should definitely give this a listen if you have acquainted yourself with other elephant6 projects.

6 Responses so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    was wondering when someone would post this.

  2. Tropolist says:

    I've come close to posting this a few times. kickass album

  3. Murphey says:

    Wow...after the blindside attack of the first couple of tracks, it settles into a very listenable and delightful psych folk groove. Thanks!

  4. tokyo sex says:

    pure love<3!!!!!!!!!!!!

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