Disperse - Living Mirrors (2013)

Polish fusion-y djent in the vein of Periphery and Animals as Leaders -- tons of those beautiful melodies and wonderful atmospheres which differentiate Periphery songwriter Misha Mansoor's work 
from the other djent out there.  However, the music is really grounded in the impressive guitar work of Jakub Żytecki, whose tasteful shredding bears a stunning resemblance to that of Tosin Abasi on Animals as Leaders' self-titled.  The predominantly "scene" (think Spencer Sotelo) clean vocals can prove to be a damper on the whole experience, but they're usually tolerable, and even occasionally work.  Regardless, highly recommended to any prog-heads.

3 Responses so far.

  1. Unknown says:


  2. Mike A says:


    check it out. super chill, ambient beats.

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