Panda Bear - Tomboy (2011)

One week before release: Tomboy by Panda Bear. Hipsters love him. Bloggers adore him. Music enthusiasts fall in love with his harmonies. Women wish they could be married to him. Anyone born after 2001 has no clue who Animal Collective is. This is hot off the press. Haven't even listened to it yet but I can already see it... Pitchfork. : 9.5 [Best New Music]

4 Responses so far.

  1. Telmo says:

    Not really a fan, but I must admit this album is kinda good.

    Can't really get the difference between Panda Bear and Animal Collective though.

  2. As usual plenty of reverb, plenty of treatment -little substance though.

  3. dryclaine says:

    listen to person pitch, i believe that it shows a good side of his input into animal collective.

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