Toro Y Moi - Sides Of Chaz (2010)

no good trying to place your hand where i can't see because i understand that you're different from me

first song sounds like a (shittier) ariel pink

jk ariel pink owns

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5 Responses so far.

  1. Moshi says:

    jizzed in my pants

  2. Will says:

    Hah, you were right the first time. Ariel Pink is shit trash poo

  3. Moshi says:

    Cleaned up my premature ejaculate and actually listened to this and I gotta ask

    What the fuck happened?

    This is nothing like the fuckchill causers of this

  4. firulais says:

    i read somewhere his next album is gonna be all folk, he doesn't really wanna stick to the same aesthetic i guess

  5. Anonymous says:

    I have heard a few tracks from this by influence of friends, thanks for the download!

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