Daughters - Daughters (2010)

Hell Songs was great, but it was lacking something.
The music is chaotic enough. The vocals are obscure enough. But there wasn't a bass strong enough to match.

What we have here is NOT Hell Songs. Duh.
You'll still get the signature scratchy guitars behind Alexis's wheezed vocals, but they've taken a step towards playing more conventional rhythms and chord progressions.

3 Responses so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    reupload please thanks

  2. Anonymous says:

    what, this album is already released? I was really looking forward to this and now it doesn't seem to be coming out in Germany yet. so thank you very much for this upload...hell yes!

  3. Hey, bad-assed website. I'm in the band "The Love and Terror Cult" and we'd love to have our music featured here. You can download it from this link:
    and feel free to repost that link on your blog. Let me know if your interested. Thanks!

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