toe - RGBDVD (2006)


Hi, I'm puxel, and I'm a toe fanboy.
(hi puxel.)
This is the audio from RGBDVD - toe playing songs from My Idle Plot..., and songs, ideas we forgot. Both of these albums are beautiful and can be appreciated by anyone with ears. It's difficult to hear the differences between this and their studio albums (See: Between The Buried and Me - Colors live). This is a compilation of what I agree to be their best songs, and it goes to show how talented these kids are.

I realize that this is kind of a shit post, considering its a LIVE COMPILATION of TWO ALBUMS THAT ARE ALREADY HERE, but if your heart was warmed by either of those two albums you need to download this. I'll make up for it later. If you're cool enough to be on a movie tracker that has this DVD, watch it.

3 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    so you recognize that your post is pointless but you still post it.


  2. puxel says:

    still good music, hater.

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