Naomi Shelton and the Gospel Queens - What Have You Done, My Brother? (2009)
Discovered this recently after a Sharon Jones binge, at which point I decided to check out the rest of the Daptone catalogue. In the album's liner note, a writer comments that upon first listening to Naomi, his "preconceptions about soul music were about to be shattered... I fell in love. I had never before had my heart so fiercly captivated by a singer before. Every lyric moaned with the full resonance of human emotion".
I agree. Download here.
cool. you're open-minded, you listen to niggers from the 50s who play songs that all sound the same. there, is that what you wanted? dumb cunt
Jesus hell, what crawled in your ass and died? WFLM should showcase all types of music, even if you're not one to like it.