Dem Hunger - Cave Man Smack (2010)

Dem Hunger is crazy! This one isn't going to appeal to everybody/anybody. No need to dust off your headphones or clean out your speakers though... The dirt and grime is all part of the track. But then, you might ask yourself, what track? When does the music start? What am I listening to?

Well, if I were to describe this, I would call it beat music with a heavy panache for the abstract. He's been featured on Gorrilla vs Bear, Friendship Bracelet, Astro Nautico and countless other blogs. Prepare for audible space dust, nightmarish boogies and a dizzying collage of found sounds.

Dem Hunger is the quintessential beat nomad.

3 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    ...prepare to embark on a journey of prehistoric beats, complete with Play-Doh-like fuzzy woozy sounds and African drums!!!

  2. dantelop says:

    Wow. Thanks, I always loved music on this vein. Maybe I should post it.

  3. Unknown says:

    This is some of the coolest shit I've heard this year, thanks for that

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