Ra Ra Riot - The Orchard (2010)

i don't usually listen to this kind of music but i like these guys ever since i got a couple of singles and EPs last year during a waffles freeleech and they just released a new and quite good album. it's indie rock that brings nothing new to a shitty genre that never brought anything new to music in the first place but still an album worth having in your collection for those times when you feel like listening to poppy mindie and you just refuse to get a vampire weekend album.

3 Responses so far.

  1. Michael says:

    What's wrong with Vampire Weekend, you can't really judge a genre, and shouldn't, cuz no one cares..Music is music

  2. I'm lovin' this cover but also, good description of what Ra Ra Riot is.

  3. DARN1T says:

    I'd rather listen my grandparents fucking than VW.

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