Ion Dissonance - Cursed (2010)


For those of you with a 6th grade reading level, dissonance is "a deliberate avoidance of symmetry." This is exactly what Ion Dissonance delivers. If anyone here listened to their last album, it was one 35 minute breakdown, which was a serious disappointment. Cursed is the ode to skull crushing heaviness brought from downtuned 8 string guitars à la The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza, blood curdling vocals, matched with a drummer that may have been replaced with a firing squad.
It takes a keen ear to hear the technicality of all the instruments together, and there is where the beauty lies.

4 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    this is fucking awesome

  2. jc says:

    "For those of you with a 6th grade reading level, dissonance is "a deliberate avoidance of symmetry."

    and for those of you who are actually in 6th grade, you'll probably like this band.

  3. Telmo says:

    Finally a fucking good post, haven't seen one in weeks! Thanks!

  4. puxel says:

    jc, you didnt listen to the second sample, did you?

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