Kickball - ABCDEFGHIJKickball (2005)

(320kbps/30:44/71.6 MB)

Mathrock trios are like shoes in a girl's closet. There's a ton of them, some of them resemble another pair exactly, some are totally off the wall and unique, but they all stink a little.

Kickball is a soulful group with vocals that resemble a lofi TTNG, and other times Japandroid's cracky choruses. Sometimes they play like Piglet, sometimes they play like The Boy Least Likely To. Fairly subtle with a side of jazz percussion.

3 Responses so far.

  1. isn't Mike Kinsella in this?

  2. puxel says:

    You're thinking of American Football. Or maybe Owls.

  3. hmmm, i dont know why I thought Mike Kinsella was in this. oh well, downloading regardless. thanks!

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