Com Truise - Pyragony (2010)

If Kraftwerk got a little more thuggish with their production and Joy Division sat down at computers to make their music, then that project had a baby in the 80′s, it would be called Com Truise. [all of that description is a good thing] The man just shoots out hits. Pyragony touches what recent synth pop artists can’t even grasp at, that flowing 80s FULL sound!

4 Responses so far.

  1. stephen says:

    Yeah man this is rad. Thanks.

  2. DARN1T says:

    Stoked man! Love me some ComTruise! Good lookin!

  3. windows98 says:

    This is really good.
    You can download more of his stuff on his artist page, its pretty skeng as well

  4. Unknown says:

    This would be the soundtrack to a movie about Scientology

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