Duster - Stratosphere (1998)

lo-fi slow alternative 90s rock. need i say more.

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11 Responses so far.

  1. this blog is a goldmine. thank you for keeping it so well update. (SBTL CLNG)

  2. aaron says:

    Man, they are all over your uploads lately.

  3. koven66 says:

    yo dantelope,
    how about the site" dropcanvas" a couple of the other posters have used it lately and it seems work ok.
    P.S. thanx your shit rocks!

  4. dantelop says:

    koven, was ge.tt not working right?

  5. koven66 says:

    Because you are awesome ,you have reached your download limit for the day in only a couple of hours.

  6. dantelop says:

    Fixed. Let me know if it reaches quota again.

  7. DTBR says:

    This is a wonderful, beautiful album, and thank you for discovering it me.

  8. Unknown says:

    someone please share the lyrics of this album please PLEASE

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